I met Akira Fujii for the first time in Japan in 2006 through Mutobe, an another great Japanese close-up magician I respect and admire. I was invited to his house, and we spent hours talking about magic, showing each other some routines. It was a great experience, and I learned things I had never seen before. Since then, he has been a good friend, and he attended our symposiums twice in the past.
This year, we are very excited that he will be the Guest of Honor at our first “The original Close-Up Magic Symposium” which will be held on September 29th, 30th and October 1st in Vienna! I’m sure he will surprise us with his outstanding “sleight of hand”.
In this blog, I’m happy to share with you some photos of Akira at our past symposiums.

Cards from the mouth

For more details about the Original Close-Up Magic Symposium 2023, please visit our official website: https://www.closeupmagicsymposium.com